from Miles Tutoring was the tutor
assigned he was helpful,
knowledgeable, patient and very
good at explaining. - Selma K.
I cant believe
how fast Miles Smart improved my
sons ACT scores! He jumped
over 100 pts on his practice test
leading up to the exam after just
two sessions with Sampson.
Ellie is an
awesome tutor, and explains the
subject very well. - Scott R.
Miles tutored my
son over the phone the same night
we found his company online, which
save my son from a crisis with his
homework. The young man that
has been coming to our house to
tutor my son (Jeff) is extremely
polite and knowledgeable. My
son understands the material now
with ease and his grade has gone
from a D to a B in 2 weeks.
We expect he will have an A next
semester with continued
tutoring. Its a shame our
public school system cant educate
with the proficiency of these
private tutors. - Raymond L.
Perry is an
excellent communicator and aims to
help his clients be their best. -
Brian P.
My son has fallen
behind in school because my time
has gone to my husbands
cancer. He has gone from
honor toll to D's. Miles
stepped up and helped over the
phone the first evening and had a
tutor at our house the next
evening. With my energy
refocused on my kids and the help
of tutors, I know we will get our
honor roll student back! - Raymond
The tutor is very
helpful and after every tutoring
session my son calls me from
College and is very happy about
how his session went. - Deya F.
Very nice lady my
granddaughter really likes her
style of teaching. She is
open to accommodate my
granddaughters schedule.
Very happy. - Patricia R.
Miles spent much
time with me learning about my
daughter first. Then we
discussed the areas that she would
need help. Miles then took
the time to match the needs and
the personality of my daughter
with the perfect tutor. I
highly recommend Miles Smart
Tutoring Inc to everyone.
Thank you for investing in my
daughter's future. God
Bless!! - John W.
Quickly found
appropriate tutor to whom grandson
relates. She is caring and
knowledgable in all areas of
concern. - Pat J.
I had a 4 hour,
final review session with
Sebastian P. for calculus.
He is an awesome tutor and broke
down each problem easily for
me. If every prof would
teach the way he does, a lot more
people would pass and probably
enjoy Calculus or applied
maths. I highly recommend
him! - Nicholas N P.
Mr. Miles is very
professional, explained everything
clearly and was prompt in
following up with me. Nick
is very relatable and his
suggestions for my child were
accurate and helpful. I am
happy with my decision. - Rita
Nick with Smart
Tutoring has a knack for
communicating complex math
concepts in easy-to-learn
ways. His schedule is
flexible. Kept my son on
track with HS Geometry. -
Renee B
Professional. - Rocio S.
I have been
working with Perry and his team at
Miles Smart Tutoring for 6 months
and couldn't be happier!
What stands out most to me is that
the staff is consistently
committed to their clients
Success Stories
Sarah S - ($85,000) in
Erik S - ($200,000 in
Vinny K - ($58,000 in scholarships
to attend prep school in
Connecticut to attend for a full
ride at one of the Armed Forces)
Niki T - ($12,000 + through Bright
Janet F - Acceptance to the top
Art and Graphic Design School in
the country